Personalized Nutrition for a Healthier Body

How are your New Year’s goals coming along? Are you CRUSHING IT or have they fallen to the wayside already? FullSizeRender (4)

With the middle of January quickly approaching, the novelty of your New Year’s goals may be quickly wearing off. Did you want to lose weight this year? Eat healthy? Exercise several times a week? Are you still committed to your goals today or were you a part of the New Year’s crowd? You know, the ones who make their life-changing declarations before the ball drops and then reverts back to old habits before January 31?

Don’t let that be you. Learn new habits today that can SKYROCKET your results. You can set an intention to improve your health, but the trick is to not let it disintegrate as quickly as you started it. Check out these tips that’ll help you form NEW habits and get you exactly where you want to be!

1) Make your weight loss and fitness goals as specific as possible. Write down the dress or waist size you want, your perfect weight, the outfit you want to wear, the reaction you want to get from others. Take time NOW to write down everything you want. Note: Studies have shown that written goals are more than TWICE as likely to become a reality than those that are not.

2) Next, pull out your calendar and start marking off the days of the week that you plan to exercise. Get it on your schedule. For example, set aside Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, from 4:30 – 5:00 PM to go walking. Also, pull out your clothes and shoes for your workouts. If you decide to get moving at the gym, throw your clothes in a bag and put it by the door so you’re ready to go the next day.

3) Design your menu. Don’t wait until you’re hungry to figure out what you’re going to eat, instead plan it ahead of time. Focus on eating healthy meals and snacks that include protein (especially for breakfast!), raw vegetables, steamed vegetables, whole grains, and a few fruits.

If you can just start making these few small changes and add some discipline, hard work, commitment, and time, you’ll greatly INCREASE your chances of achieving the results you desire.

Remember, don’t cheat yourself by being one of 2016’s new year’s casualties. Make this the year of YOU: Your body…Your goals…Your nutrition…Your workout…Your results. Start this year strong and continue your new habits until you get exactly what you want.

You can do it, I know you can!

FullSizeRender (1)Jennifer Fraser

Health & Wellness Coach

Balance Your Heart

Phone: (240) 605-3893



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